The menopause affects every women at some stage in their lives. While the average age of starting is 51, symptoms know as peri-menopause can begin around a decade before and can last well into ones 80's. The journey can be very confusing, it's a little different for every woman and often has no clear beginning or end. For some, it’s over relatively quickly. For others, symptoms can start years before you have your last period, there are said to be around 34 symptoms and signs of menopause that women typically experience at this stage of life.
Symptoms are wide and varied and not just limited to hot flashes. We’ve created this page to help you recognise the signs to look out for and should you need to please print this for discussion with your health care provider.
Hair Loss
Unexplained Dizziness
Sleep Issues
Weight Gain
Brittle Nails
Heart palpitations
Change in Body Odour
Headaches and Migraines
Breast Pain
Joint Pain
Burning Mouth
Electric Shocks
Gum Problems
Digestive Issues
Dry and Itchy Skin
Muscle Tension
Tingling skin
Irregular Periods
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Stress Incontinence
Low Libido
Vaginal Dryness
Mood Swings
Low Mood
Panic Attacks
Difficulty Concentrating